Florida was relaxing,the weather was an "8". It was good to get away , so i could come back and re-focus on the store!
I want people to know that i spend ALLOT of time with my customers, because i want to understand what they need. I do NOT want to up sell any product, and i will not sell something unless you need it. I believe that new students have a large expense, getting in to a new medium, and i do my best to meet a middle ground, so you have quality materials, and you can ad to your pallet as you learn more about paints, brands etc.
I DO NOT mark my products up. As a matter of fact, I sometimes have to pay more at wholesale, than some customers can get at retail. It really stinks, because if the BIG BRANDS want me to work with new comers to the art world, they should make it a little more compatable. I cant compete with the catalogues and the warehouses, no matter what i do, and its going to keep forcing the educated art store, to close down.
On that note, i will continue to search for specials when i order, and do the best i can to keep my prices down. And if you need something, and i dont have it, let me know, Ill do my best to get it in. Thanks for reading