due to the
wetttt rainy windy days, i have had an accumulation of water in the walls, and it is shorting out my electricity. Today i was there cleaning up after the leaks and the mess...and the wall SPARKED a big one. Burned a whole in the outlet...
Unfortunately, the breaker runs half of the store, and i
couldnt run it even if i tried...We are waiting on a call from an electrician, and then we can make a plan. But, being as small as the store is, i have had to pull everything away from the wall, so the
elec. can get to the problem...I feel really sad, cause business was turning the corner, and April 1 is my 1 year anniversary, i wanted to plan something fun. I will have some damaged things to sell 1/2 price..but we will wait and see what happens and when. If anybody needs anything at the store, call my cell 6037939938, I will be glad to come and open and get what you need. In the mean while, enjoy the nice weather,,,cause it could change at any minute!thanks for reading and if you have any comments, arttoart@comcast.net///P