When I attempted to express this in color, i got all twisted up and couldnt leave well enough alone. I had started with nice light shade of a mix of Turners yellow, and maybe a dab of "opera"..playing with the colors, it was hard to get the softness...I did get there eventually, and after laying the shadows down...I couldnt leave well enough alone. I try to darken the petals with more "color" and i lost the contrast! Dont you hate when you push something and you know you shouldn't!
All in all, i have to say, the students work came out superior! But thats what we want anyway!~!
Next class, or maybe it was the class before...be did a study on the textures of fruits....
Jackie Hinton~she loves those dew drops!
Jackie Hinton
Cheryl ...Arold, I hope i spelled that right! Nice textures
Eilene Blanchard,,,she wasnt quite done yet, but its lookin good!
this was a pic of one of the "studies". I liked the contrast of the skins on the bark i found in my fire wood. I neglected to take the pictures of the rest of the work. Maybe ill do that next class!