The cooler weather alows me to wear bigger baggier cloths, i love that! I dont like chilly toes in the a.m. so i have to get some fuzzy socks!
I HAVE A PAINTERS BLOCK...its driving me crazy...i want to lock in to a painting and go!
I think i may take out the oils and let her rip...
I am sorry i havent been posting, but the drama in life sometimes makes things like posting on blogs such an effort. But i have to get back into my art world. I went to the Isabella gardner stewart?sp?? museum in Boston the other was an inspiration to be eclectic, but it didnt hit my art button. So i think i will go to the Currier in Manchester. Maybe that will speak to me.
I still have some art supplies left from the store..Some w.c paints, prisma colorpencils, markers.tombows , some oils, just stuff. I have to get it together to either use it, or ebay it! THough ebay is kind of pricey, especially if the stuff doesnt sell! Anyway, going for a walk, then a meeting, then hopefully i will be inspired to make magic!!!