Early winter, i sometimes struggle, trying to find some inspiration...Not wanting to go outside and tackle the elements, at this time...I start to paw through the thousands of pictures I take for a day such as this! Below, BUTTONS, from an antique store, on the back roads of MAINE.
I could paint buttons, antique buttons, textures, colors, groupings, singles...what a story these buttons could tell! But, being as they are...buttons can not speak...so its my job to speak for them! Be listening....i hear them calling me...
Then, whats this....well, long after the summer flowers had gone to rest, i had some crazy california poppies, begging to be picked, and have there pictures taken...
I didn't want to disappoint.
They were kind enough to allow the light to dance among their feathery petals,
so kind, that i may capture them...for eternity!
The poppies also found a rewarding place on a window sill in my living room. My favorite time of the day is when the light comes streaming in through the panes of leaded glass. Its almost as if they are say hello to the few remaining poppies, scattered through out the fallen leaves....

This Caladium has captured an entire universe, right in the palm of this beautiful leave,
A universe of light and reflections, so minute, that only Dr Seuss would appreciate the goings on!
How i wish i could be absorbed by that little drop of water! BE FREE!
Morning light
a harbor waits
tales of open sea
gulls begin
a day ahead
salt water sloshing
docks, creaking
a distant bell, rythum waves
the pulsing
breathing deep
ocean air
fill the soul
closed eyes
morning light
this was mine
this is mine
and maybe
Salty lips
as rest
The Most beautiful park in my world
Somewhere, over the rainbow, this you will find
a friend, a song, a summer breeze
and the lust of a fading time
Who can't be inspired by this cotton ball cloud,,,Would you rather paint it,
or JUMP in it?
The last piece of inspiration? My Antique peonies, in yes. a blurry picture! But enough to capture
my heart and the desire to paint these luscious beauties! These have it all, style, fragrance and command!
Thank you for joining me in an inspiration activity. Because i always have at least one camera with me, i will never be without the beautiful things i see, each and every day...
LIFE, no matter how hard, how tired, how sad how sick...there is never enough time, to drink it all in!