When you step outside, first thing in the morning, the world has started with out you! You hear the birds working diligently on their nests, peepers sending out their signals, as well watching things turn green, right in front of your very eyes! The smell of spring is something to behold. The damp dirt, the faint smells of blossoms getting ready to open, and if you are lucky, the smell of grass, freshly cut.
WHY? Why would anybody want to live anywhere else, and miss the change of seasons. Just when we get bored with the old season, another starts creeping in, and by the time we realize it, we also realize, its time to jump, and make what ever changes it calls for.
The earth, waiting to be turned, the weeds, the first to appear, waiting to be yanked....leaves from the previous fall, hiding in the corners...Doing what they can to protect the earth from the snow, that has finally melted.
The hunt,...before you know it, the weather is just right, for a the Lady Slippers to begin there journey. It takes hundreds of years for a lady slipper to become the beautiful, yet quirky, isolated flower, that it is. The lady, she may be alone in the woods, where you left her, last year...Or she may be with a group of "Other" ladies...waiting to show their stuff. But in lady slipper world, it does take such a long time to reach maturity, and the elegance, that is respected by so many.
PLEASE~ leave the ladies alone, they are not lonely, they just "are"! And the chances are good, if you try to take one for your garden, you will disturb so many years of circumstance, and hard work. That may never be appreciated again, if it is removed for selfish reasons. The roots of the ladies, run along way, just under the surface or the of carpet of decayed leaves. These roots, will support many other ladies along the way. If one is disturbed, its the end of an era!
Tis the end of the day! Had a nice class. Just me and Linda B..Working on watercolor canvas this week. Most students seemed to enjoy! YAY!
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